Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Why Pro-Deathers Are Ignoring The Needs Of The Dying

Here’s a decent read on why the pro-death side of things isn’t the way to go.
Jesuit Physician Says Assisted Suicide Fails to Attend to the Needs of the Dying
As a Jesuit priest and a physician, Father Myles Sheehan brings a unique perspective to the debate about assisted suicide.
Fr. Sheehan recently spoke to Boston’s Catholic newspaper, The Pilot, about proposed legalized physician-assisted suicide in Massachusetts, which he considers a failure to meet the needs of the dying.
“I would like to see that people receive an approach that attends to their suffering in all its dimensions from the beginning of a serious illness,” Fr. Sheehan said.  He said those dimensions include attention to spiritual needs as well as mental and physical needs. more

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