Wednesday, September 26, 2012

UK Pols Take Sides On Assisted Suicide

Here’s more on the recent UK poll that found politicians generally don’t back changing the UK’s laws on assisted suicide.
Emotive debate over legally-assisted suicide splits county MPs
MPs across Gloucestershire are split over whether or not to legalise assisted suicide. According to a new poll, the majority of Parliamentarians are against making assisted dying legal with more than seven out of 10 refusing to back calls for such legislation. 
The poll of 150 MPs from all parties also found just 29 per cent backed moves to change the law. Martin Horwood, MP for Cheltenham (LD), said he was "strongly in favour" of legally assisted suicide, but stressed the need for "strong safeguards". He said: "I am sensitive to the views of constituents on the ethics of this issue, but my position is strongly influenced by my father's experience when he was terminally ill. more

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