Sunday, September 9, 2012

Massachusetts: Heat Is On For November Ballot Initiative

The heat is rising over the assisted suicide Massachusetts ballot initiative that will be on the November ballot.
Massachusetts Assisted Suicide Proposal a Bad Prescription for Death
The headlines in Massachusetts are telling a grim story that is repeated all too often in America. When voters in that state go to the polls in November, they will decide whether or not to approve a measure known simply as “Death with Dignity.” The proposed law “would allow individuals who have been diagnosed with an illness that will cause death within six months to obtain medication to self-administer to end their life.”
In other words, Massachusetts citizens will be using their vote to decide whether someone with a terminal illness, or even a grave illness with a poor prognosis, should have the right to be given a prescription for a drug that will kill them at a time of their choosing. This argument advocates for a freedom of choice regarding death—which is a very dangerous choice. For those who favor such an action, the choice should never be controlled by law or, for that matter, by faith principles. more

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