Tuesday, August 21, 2012

NY Times Piece Very One-Sided For pro-Death

Notice how this story only presents (very well, I think) the pro-death side of things – nary a paragraph about those of us who would put a much different spin on what’s happening in Oregon and Washington State.
In Ill Doctor, a Surprise Reflection of Who Picks Assisted Suicide
Richard Wesley has amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, the incurable disease that lays waste to muscles while leaving the mind intact. He lives with the knowledge that an untimely death is chasing him down, but takes solace in knowing that he can decide exactly when, where and how he will die.
Under Washington State’s Death With Dignity Act, his physician has given him a prescription for a lethal dose of barbiturates. He would prefer to die naturally, but if dying becomes protracted and difficult, he plans to take the drugs and die peacefully within minutes. more

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