Thursday, January 5, 2012

Weak Argument For A Massachusetts Pro-Death Ballot Proposal

Uh-huh. The Massachusetts ballot initiative seeking to legalize assisted suicide should be on the ballot because . . . well, this in-the-tank-for-the-pro-deathers writer thinks it a good idea, well . .  . because it’s been done elsewhere, etc., etc. Pretty flimsy argument, if you ask me.
Why the Mass. Death with Dignity Act should appear on the November ballot
A highly contested ballot measure that will likely epitomize the statewide citizen vote in 2012 may be inching toward actualization. The Massachusetts Death with Dignity Act, a proposal that says terminally ill patients facing imminent death should be allowed to self-administer a lethal dose of medication (also known as physician-assisted suicide), has received more than 86,000 signatures and been sent to the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. more

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