Monday, October 17, 2011

Organ Donation Trickier Than It Seems

It's understandable that someone who has just had their life saved by an organ transplant should recommend that others sign up as organ donors. However, there are so many ethical questions that anyone contemplating organ donation needs to look into it much more carefully than simply signing a donor permission card. (Reading this blog is a good start).
Linthwaite man given second chance by heart transplant urges people to sign up to organ register
CRAIG Wimpenny was a clean-living sporting man until a heart condition left him days from death.
It left him needing a heart transplant, but now the Linthwaite man is on his way to making a full recovery – thanks to the kindness of a person he never met.
The 43-year-old is now urging people in Huddersfield to sign up as organ donors to give other patients a chance of survival. more

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