Tuesday, January 4, 2011

At Last: Respect For Nazi Euthanasia Victims

It’s comforting to know that even after all these years, the Austrians are planning on paying respect to the victims of Nazi genocide - respect these victims never received in life. Would that that respect were more pervasive among the pro-deathers today.
Austria to exhume bodies in Nazi euthanasia probe
HALL, Austria (Reuters) - Hundreds of graves found at an Austrian state hospital will be exhumed once the ground thaws to see if any are victims of a Nazi-era purge of patients deemed unworthy to live, authorities said on Tuesday.
The discovery of about 220 bodies in a hospital cemetery during a construction project in Hall, near the Tyrolean capital Innsbruck, aroused suspicions that some of those buried there between 1942 and 1945 were victims of a euthanasia campaign. more

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