Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pro-Deathers Lie: Hospice NOT In The Business Of Killing

Here’s how things get blurred by the pro-deathers to their advantage. This piece asserts that more hospices in Oregon should participate in assisted suicide because it’s somehow their responsibility. What crap. This lie is being promulgated as the pro-deathers infiltrate the hospice movement. The whole idea of hospice has NOTHING to do with killing people. It’s all about celebrating love and keeping people comfortable until they die.
Research: Most Oregon Hospices do not Fully Participate in the Death with Dignity Act
( - Garrison, NY A survey in the latest issue of the Hastings Center Report found that most hospices in Oregon, the first state to legalize physician-assistance in dying, either do not participate in or have limited participation in requests for such assistance. Both legal and moral reasons are identified.
This finding is significant because hospices are considered important for assuring that physician-assisted death is carried out responsibly, write the authors, Courtney S. Campbell, the Hundere Professor of Religion and Culture at Oregon State University, and Jessica C. Cox, the Hundere Program Assistant and a second year graduate student at Oregon State. Most patients in Oregon who choose physician-assisted death are enrolled in hospice care. Hospices’ role is largely confined to providing information about the law in a neutral manner, the study found. Patients must then work on their own to find physicians who are willing to help them die. more

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