Thursday, July 8, 2010

Starving Patients A Form Of Euthanasia? Yup, Could Be

More from Scotland: NHS patients starving to death because they are not helped to eat. Now, this is obviously another triumph of socialized medicine, but if you think in at least some places there isn’t some sentiment that not helping people eat will grease the wheels to their death, I’d say you were pretty naïve.
Malnutrition of NHS patients ‘is form of euthanasia’
One of the country’s leading health campaigners has urged the Scottish Government to urgently tackle the problem of malnutrition of the elderly and vulnerable in the nation’s hospitals, likening the problem to a form of “euthanasia”.
Dr Jean Turner – executive director of Scotland Patients Association (SPA), a GP and former independent MSP – warned that hundreds of patients, particularly the elderly, are languishing in hospital beds undernourished because they are not given help with feeding. more

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