Friday, May 28, 2010

Quebec Legal Eagles Already Caving On Prosecuting Assisted Suicide & Euthanasia

Gee, what a shock! The legal eagles in Quebec are already huffing and puffing about how they might not be able to prosecute people who assist suicide or carry out euthanasia, right in the middle of the national debate as to whether to legal these forms of killing. Prediction: They’ll go for the mealy-mouthed non-clarification just as the Brits did, and it’ll have the same result as is happening in the UK: That the law will turn a blind eye to those who engage in assisted suicide and euthanasia. Ah, progress indeed.
Assisted-suicide prosecutions called 'grey area'
A Quebec government committee says the province could consider not prosecuting some cases of assisted suicide and euthanasia.
A Quebec government committee says the province could consider not prosecuting some cases of assisted suicide and euthanasia. more

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