Monday, May 24, 2010

Hospice Needs To Do A Better Job

Here’s a report that shows one reason why pro-deathers have ammunition for their cause: Hospice, at least in this report from Ireland, is not doing a good job of caring for some people who are terminally ill. We MUST do a better job.
Care for dying patients varies depending on type of disease
PATIENTS with dementia get the worst care when dying in hospital -- while standards are highest for cancer sufferers, a new report revealed yesterday.
The research uncovered for the first time that a 'hierarchy' -- based on a person's disease -- exists in the quality of treatment while dying in Irish hospitals.
The findings from the Irish Hospice Foundation emerged in the first audit of treatment provided to patients in their last week of life in 24 acute hospitals and 19 community facilities.
It revealed a sliding scale of care of the dying, depending on the illness -- with cancer at the top followed by patients who suffered a heart attack or stroke, or respiratory conditions like pneumonia or obstructive lung disease. more

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