Wednesday, March 17, 2010

As Went the Netherlands, So Goes Canada: Killing is Good and Honorable

This piece from Canada, where Francine Lalonde, a member of parliament, has repeatedly introduced a private motion to legalize assisted suicide. Deja vu all over again. Lalonde is mimicking exactly the rationale that was used in the Netherlands some years ago - that assisted suicide will be only for very few, only the terminally ill, and only those who are in unrelievable pain. Good luck on that. The question to be asked is: Why wouldn't it deteriorate into the killing machine that the Netherlands medical system has become?
Assisted-suicide bill a 'slippery slope,' critic warns
OTTAWA–Parliament is being asked to give a hand to the dying – by an MP who has faced death herself.
Bloc Québécois MP Francine Lalonde is hoping against odds to succeed with a private member's bill to amend the Criminal Code and legalize euthanasia and assisted suicide in Canada.
It's an effort made personal by her own fights with cancer in recent years. The 69-year-old politician made no mention of her health struggles during a 15-minute address to the Commons Tuesday evening to launch the debate. Instead, she said it's time to legalize physician-assisted suicide to give comfort to those living their final days in "intolerable pain." more

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